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Open Source

One person

Multiple computers

Commercial projects

Continued use

Multiple projects

Purchase License



Open Source

One person

Multiple computers

Commercial projects

Continued use

Multiple projects

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Open Source

One person

Multiple computers

Commercial projects

Continued use

Multiple projects

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There are three kind of scenarios that get covered by the license. There is no need to register in order to download and start using, but there is a slight difference between the different licenses.

Let me discuss all the normal uses:

  • - Open Source projects: you can download and use pyke for free for any kind of non-commercial open source project.
  • - Personal projects: pyke is also free for personal projects as long as those projects are non-commercial.
  • - Commercial projects: you are free to evaluate pyke for as long as you want, BUT if you make a continued use of pyke (e.g: you use it to build a release version of your commercial project, ...) then you are required to purchase either a subscription license or a lifetime license.

Nonetheless if you use it for open source or personal projects, it would be really appreciated if you decide to purchase and support pyke.

With any license you will have full access to the source code, so you can, at your disposal, edit, extend, or do whatever you want to it if you ever need. But keep in mind that if you give the right for somebody else to use your changes, they will still be required to buy a pyke license in a commercial project.

Now, let me talk about the difference between the commercial licenses:

Just to make it clear, the trial/evaluation license is intended to be used in commercial environments where non open-source projects are built. There is no enforced time limit for the evaluation. You cannot use an unlicensed (paid version) copy of pyke inside a company or organization unless you are evaluating it. Also, once you decide to go for it, you will have to buy one license for every developer of the team/company/organization that needs to do builds on his computer. Purchasing licenses for machines that run autonomously is not required (e.g: the ones creating the builds).

With a subscription license you will have the right for one person to use pyke during one month after the license purchase date. If you are still unsure of buying a lifetime license, but you are using pyke in your projects, then this might be the license for you.

With a lifetime license you will have the right to use pyke during your entire life, with access to all updates and new versions of pyke. No need to pay twice for the same software. Of course, this type of license might disappear in the future for new purchases, but even if it does, you will still preserve your lifetime rights use any version of pyke at no extra cost.

With both licenses you will have the right to update and use any released version of pyke within the validity period of the license.

Finally, both non-commercial and commercial distributions provide exactly the same functionality, the only difference is that they include different EULAs.

You are just one click away

  • 1. Download
  • 2. Create a master.pyke file
  • 3. Run pyke